

WHAT I EAT IN A DAY (easy & healthy!)





Breakfast: 2 frozen bananas + açai (2 teaspoons)+ sugar free vegan muesli + oat flakes+ coconut
Break: quinoa vegan bar
Lunch: savage rice salad + tofu hamburger
Break: green smoothie (1/2 cucumber + spinach+ 1 lime + 2 apples + water) - no pic of it. 
Dinner: homemade vegan pizza 



As humans, we use to grow up hate inside us, spread it, fight for its reasons, cry about it...but we don't understand that it takes us to nowhere. It brings us to hell. 
We all agree that our main goal is to achieve happiness, but at the same time we let us suffer from a meaningless hate, we think that by using it we can reach other things such as power, fame, material goods and other misleading results that don't take us to that happiness. We try to be bigger than no one, stronger, richer, better, and we forget that we are all the same. We have the same type of body, we were born the same way, we listen, talk and hear. We can touch things, we can smell a great cake being backed in the oven. We are human beings. The concepts of: white- people, black-people, jewish, christians, homosexuals... they all take us to the wrong way. Why did we have so many wars in the past, so many conflicts, so much suffer? By classyfing people. 
I don't see a huge difference between a sixteen- year- old girl, as me, who hangs out with friends, who talks and laughts, who loves her family and who sings like crazy when she hears her favourite song. Oh, wait. So many people will consider her different from me. Why? Because we don't have the same tone of skin? For god sake! Every "white person" in the planet waits for summer to get more tanned, to reach that brown beautiful colour. Isn't it ironic? But you'll tell me, it's not just the colour of their skin...it's their culture too.. you know they come from those poor countries, they sometimes do wrong things...
I honestly don't think that being born in other circumstances, such as a "tropical, poor country" can make a human being so much different from another who was born in a clean/ white big hospital.